Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Murphy's Law

If anything can go wrong, it will.

I just had one of those days today. Had a very early meeting with the partner of the firm to discuss my new salary structure etc. ... and yes, of all days, I was faced with the worst traffic jam ever!! And ironically, I was out of my house the earliest in months!! Everyone knows that there should NOT be a traffic jam at like 7 something in the morning! To make things more colourful for me, I took like 8 minutes to reverse out of my house coz my sis' new car was blocking the way... yes, of all days ...

Luckily for me, the partner of my firm is very understanding, told me that it was ok & to drive carefully. ;) *phew* If there's one thing I'd stay in this firm for, it's definitely the people. Anyway, in my haste to get to the office ASAP, I almost knocked down the dustbin in the parking lot... I hate parking!!

The good part was that the discussion went pretty alright, and my new pay isn't too bad. I was taking my own sweet time after the morning rush and my manager SMS-ed me to say that she's stuck in the very bad jam (so it wasn't just me!)... and told me to start the session with the clients first. *Gasp* I wasn't even at the client's yet. After being majorly lost looking for the coffee place to takeaway coffee to stay awake for the latter part of the day, and not being able to find my car in the carpark (which happens all the time).. I managed to get to the client's, guessing my way there.... didn't get lost (woohoo!!), and yeap, I was late but at least I made it.

It all boiled down to one thing... I'm just too blur, and I need to do something bout it coz it's driving me mad! :) But then again, my life wouldn't be so colourful then & I'd have nothing to blog about. ;)


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