Monday, May 23, 2005


This blog is inspired by Julz :) .

Like Julz wrote, change is indeed inevitable. You'd never know what the future holds for you. You can only plan but what you imagine the future to be sometimes or most of the time... would not be what is realized.

This year indeed has been a year of many many changes - taken out from my comfort zone and adjusting to work life takes time to adapt. New friends, new colleagues, new environment, new project, new challenges etc.. exciting yet daunting. I've learnt to embrace change. I used to be afraid of it, wondering "oh no, what would happen if all these things I am used to were taken away from me?" but as the months unfold, I began to realize that I can adapt to it. You think you can't, but when change comes... you will naturally fall in its path, and trust me, you will survive!

I am truly on an exciting and rocky road in my life. Change has indeed taught me so much about myself, and I grow stronger each day, knowing who I am and what I can be. And the pillar of my strength is definitely God...

"For God causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him, for those who are called according to His purpose"


At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's true that change is inevitable, however, that is no excuse for not having a plan. A plan although variable, is meant as a guide, if changes come, c'est la vie.

Without a plan, drifting would be the most appropriate verb to use. Hence the plan would serve as a guide to the deviation as to the changes faced.

Or so I believe

At 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yupyup couldn't agree more

even more so, don't let change waver your stand... plan to withhold your principles...

even better, plan to change... make your own changes to your environment... like encourage ppl to be less racist (sorry allowed a little personal experience get in the way hehe)


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